What is MVP App and How It Drives Business Growth!
MVP stands for Minimum viable product in the context of application development. It's a basic concept in software development process that focuses on building a beta version of application with minimal features to satisfy early users to get the valuable feedback before going further for full product.
An MVP app's primary purpose is to quickly provide a functional product to the market or target audience, learn from user interactions, and iterate and improve based on that feedback.
How to Update your Theme
It's a critical step in product development cycle, allowing developers and businesses to validate their ideas and build successful, user-centric applications over time. These days, corporate companies are talking about lean apps. An MVP came from there.
Images by@sample
Images by@sample
In short, if we sum up the answer of What is an MVP app in one line it would be like this -
“An MVP app is strategic approach to app development that emphasizes on simplicity, speed, user feedback and iterative improvement.
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Justin Case
April 8, 2022 at 7:38 amPatient Comments are a collection of comments submitted by viewers in
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Farhan Firoz
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Jamil Rayhan
April 8, 2022 at 7:38 amPatient Comments are a collection of comments submitted by viewers in
response to a question posed by a MedicineNet doctor.